Friday, April 11, 2008

Plant Man

I was making dinner when I heard the cutest giggle. I turned around and this is what I saw. How could I say "No" to such a happy kid. I've always hated this plant- the people who lived in our house before left it to cover up a big stain and scratch on the floor. I didn't mind cleaning up the mess (which did get worse because I let him play a little longer). Ryan is the happiest baby, even when he has ear infections or is teething he is extremely happy.


Michelle said...

What a way cute picture!!! Ryan is such a happy baby! Way to be fast on the picture taking! I love "plant man."

TexasTwinsTwice said...

He looks like he's having the time of his life! You are such a fun mom to let him continue playing like that! =)

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I LOVE that picture of him! that totally describes him!!! ha ha ha ha he is so dang cute! Good for you for enjoying the moment-i need to do better on that like they said in conference

The Sorensen Bunch said...

BTW- YOU DID the mission FUND jar?!!!!! Without my help..sorry I could not find out more info about what kind of paint they used on ours, yours looks fabulouso!!

Camilla said...

great picture and YES, he looks happy.=)