Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Emma Kindergarten Christmas Concert

Tonight Emma had her AHA Elementary Christmas Concert! She has been practicing for a long time and we were privileged to hear her Kindergarten class sing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Jingle Bells. Emma's class performed wonderfully and had so much energy. They were so much fun to watch and Emma loved it!!! (Hope you enjoy this little clip!) For the grand finally they had the entire elementary hold electronic candles and they turned out the lights to sing- it was pretty cool- and seriously how many schools across the country sang Silent Night for their final song!

As a mother it was a wonderful evening, but I can't help but think that it was a terrible Christmas concert. First it was way tooooo long and it didn't start until 7. Twenty five year olds sat for an hour and a half before they performed, not to mention all the younger brothers and sisters in the audience. There were multiple parents taking kids out to the car including Shiloh with the boys, and to make matters worse it was pouring rain the entire time. The music selection that they sang to was weird (ex. They tried to sing to Mannheim Steamroller) They also had 3rd graders sing to Mongolian Tribal music for Good King Wenseleus and had them sing it monotone- it was so sad but what made it funny was seeing the kids faces because they didn't want to sing it either. When I think of concert I think of singing, but 2/3 of the evening was spent with speeches about Christmas History which was sooooooo boring! It probably sounds like I really had a bad time, but I didn't- I have learned how I would do it differently!! It's a good thing the Kindergarten went last because they had the best part- the funnest part- and they truly entertained us all- which means we went home happy! Thanks Emma!


Michelle said...

Way to go Emma! I loved your song! That was sooo cute!!!

I love Sean's excitement when he saw Emma. :)

Grandpas Cook said...

Awesome job Emma. You look cute.

Trezise Momma said...

What a talented young lady you have! Emma sure is beautiful!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

LOVE the lights in the background LONG concert for sure!

tiff said...

Haha....sorry, but that is hilarious--Mannheim Steamroller?! Poor kids. It does sound like Emma had the best part of the show!