Saturday, August 29, 2009


Urghhhhhhh! Why?!
Yet- Sean was willing to help his Mom because he thought it looked so boring to do all by myself, and he wanted to help his brother not be grounded for the rest of his life. Always something positive right.


Grandpas Cook said...

Oh Julie. Did it come off? Is he in his crib for an extended timeout?

Trezise Momma said...

Yikes!! I hope it came off! It's a good thing we love our children, or they might not make it to adulthood!!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I want to see after pictures...did it all come out? Ryan Ryan Ryan

kj said...

This is what 2 year-olds are best at. Faith once did this, but she did it to my sister's sofa. I was so embarrassed!

TexasTwinsTwice said...

Ohhhhhh I soooo feel your pain. If my girls were over there, they'd be right next to Ryan helping out. So sorry this happened Julie!! =( (did it come out?...tell me next time I see you =)