I've decided my family is random!! We had a Family Home Evening on Sharing- Shiloh presented a wonderful lesson, Sean helped make great cookies, and Emma prepared a fun activity. This activity was to draw a picture of someone sharing. Here are the results:
I drew a man giving his wife flowers in the middle of the ocean!
How romantic.
Emma drew a friend sharing an epet with her. Then for some reason they were able to go up a flight of stairs to heaven. Notice her name at the top- they really do drill that into them.
Sean drew a cave and told me to draw Emma (who was in the dark) giving back his car.
Yet the winner would go to my husband! At first glance you would think they were pirates, but after looking closely you realize they are just two people who have each lost an eye. They then share one together- notice the detail on the shared eyeball.
Hopefully you laughed as hard as I did that night!