Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma Jabr!

I wish we were closer to come over for the festivities and so that your present would actually get to you on time! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for all you do for us silly Arizona Hoggards, can't wait to see you in a few weeks and to eat your cookin. :) 5 things everyone should know about Marci 1. She is an awesome chef- and is willing to help me out all the time. 2. She takes great pride in her yard, and it always looks the best 3. She is so strong to have her husband work in Iraq for 50 weeks of the year, be in control of her MS, and have a teenage daughter. 4. She is very open to talk about anything which is interesting and very fun! 5. She loves her family a ton, and would do anything for any one of them even in a seconds notice. She's always worried about her parents, siblings, kids, grand kids, students, neighbors, and the country -she has a countdown (down to the last 1/10th of a second) to when Bush will no longer be president. I'm telling ya- she's fun. Here's looking to another great year! Love ya Grandma!

1 comment:

GrandpasCook said...

You are so lucky. An awesome mom and 2 wonderful mothers in law.
What more could you ask for?